Barry Sheerman MP, has sponsored an Early Day Motion (1025) on Young Driver Safety, stating that:
‘That this House notes with grave concern that almost a quarter of the road crashes resulting in death or serious injury in 2012 involved a driver under 24 years and that young, newly-qualified drivers are disproportionately involved in crashes, particularly catastrophic crashes involving multiple passengers, which has pushed up insurance premiums for young drivers; further notes the research by TRL, commissioned by the Government, which found that a graduated approach to young driver licensing could prevent 230 deaths and save £224 million a year; further notes the statements by the Secretary of State for Transport and other Ministers that this Government would publish a Green Paper on the safety of young drivers during 2013; deplores the Written Answer by the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Transport on 18 December 2013, Official Report, column 629W, on driving: young people, in which he states that the Government is still wrestling with the issues; and calls on the Government to publish proposals for consultation without further delay.’
For more information on the motion click here.