Road Safety Leadership: An Agenda for the UK
Non PACTS Events Upcoming Events
Click here to register for this event Road Safety Leadership: An Agenda for the UK Globally, 1.19M people lose…
PACTS Chairman Barry Sheerman MP records message of support for #ProjectEDWARD
Project EDWARD is the European Day Without A Road Death (EDWARD) project. The long-term aim is to spearhead significant and sustained reduction in death and serious injury on roads across the world.
2017’s day of action will be on Thursday 21st September.
Herbert Smith Freehills: Connected and autonomous vehicles conference
Herbert Smith Freehills Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Conference The advent of connected and autonomous driving technology is being hailed by…
AIRSO National Conferences in August 2017
PACTS now has details of the forthcoming AIRSO National Conferences in August.
Details for the National Blue Light Conference and National Fleet Conference are now available, with further details to follow shortly on the AIRSO website.
Safe System course – 11th – 12th APRIL 2017, Loughborough University Design School
The course is designed to support professionals from the many sectors and disciplines involved in road safety and road traffic…
AIRSO Motorcycle Conference August 2016
The annual AIRSO Motorcycle Conference is approaching. Hosted once again by The Hinckley Island Hotel on Wednesday 31st August 2016…
Road Safety Analysis- 2015 Conferences
Road Safety Analysis (RSA) will be hosting two conferences in 2015 titled ‘Think Agility: Intelligence, insight and innovation’ and will…
Salford University- The Future of Road Safety 2015
Salford university is holding a conference, The Future of Road Safety 2015, on 24th June at Salford University, Manchester. Speakers…
Transport Statistics Users Group Meeting
Road casualty statistics – are they telling us what we want to know? Wednesday 20th November 2013 at 2:30 pm…
WRA 2013 Congress
The World Road Association (UK) Congress 2013: ‘Global lessons for safer roads – Infrastructure solutions for road safety’. Congress Date: 23 October…