Lilli Matson is Chief Safety, Health and Environment Officer at Transport for London (TfL).
Leading London’s work to make the capital safe and attractive for all journeys, to achieve our goal of Vision Zero, where no one is injured or killed on the transport network.
We are also working to address the climate crisis and achieve a net zero carbon railway by 2030 and to ensure TfL’s environmental performance is exemplary.
Delivering the Mayor’s Transport Strategy and the Vision Zero Action plan for London, as well as setting the strategic direction of our work to deliver healthy streets and to enable modal shift to walking, cycling and public transport. I was a member of the UK Government’s Commission for Integrated Transport and ran my own transport consultancy for five years, delivering advice and direction on policies and projects to promote sustainable travel.
Imperial College alumnus – having enjoyed the Environmental Technology MSc at IC’s Centre for Environmental Technology.
Lilli is an Environment Agency Board Member

Presentation synopsis – Lilli Matson and Stuart Reid
Lilli Matson and Stuart Reid from Transport for London discuss the importance of safe and clean vehicles to achieving London’s strategic objectives. This includes the relevance of vehicle design and technology to outcomes around of decarbonisation, improved air quality and Vision Zero. Their presentation describes the importance and design of recent policy initiatives which London has implemented, such as the Ultra Low Emission Zone and the Direct Vision Standard for HGVs. They also discuss progress made to date in Vison Zero, the importance of safer vehicle design in what has been achieved to date and future challenges including the necessity to increase the proportion of London’s fleet, particularly among cars and vans, that have technologies that protect not just the occupants but also those around the vehicle.