Matthew is the Immediate Past President of the Chartered Institution Highways & Transportation, a past President Association of Directors of Environment/Economy & Transport, former chair of the UK Roads Board and the Midland Highway Alliance. He has recently taken on the role of the Chairman of the Road Environment Working Party of PACTS and the Chair of Editorial Panel of ICE journal Municipal Engineer.
He has spent the majority of his career he has worked in the public sector working for 5 different County Councils and has been seconded to work for the Department for Transport. For the last 9 years he has worked in the private sector for both consultants and a contractor – Mouchel, Keir and more recently WSP.
He has also presented a number of papers internationally on highways infrastructure asset management and transport topics.
Matthew has won numerous awards most notably the ICE Municipal Engineer of the year, the UK National Transport Award for his outstanding contribution to local transport, an ICE Award for outstanding contribution to Civil Engineering in the East Midlands and the OBE for services to local government.