The Transport Select Committee has published PACTS’ submission to its Active Travel Inquiry.
PACTS welcomes the Transport Committee’s Active Travel inquiry. PACTS sees promotion of active travel, road danger reduction and reducing road casualties as intertwined. More active travel (walking and cycling) can contribute significantly to a range of major challenges, including obesity, mental health, air quality, local economies and a more productive workforce. This requires vision and joined-up policy-making.
PACTS comments in detail on the analysis of road casualty statistics by DfT. Currently it focuses on the vulnerability of cyclists, pedestrians and motorcyclists. To support active travel and road danger reduction this needs to be augmented by analysis of harm caused by motor vehicles. PACTS provides some examples.
PACTS’ submission is available in full here.
The Transport Committee published its report Active travel: increasing levels of walking and cycling in England, HC 1487, on 23rd July 2019. It can be read TSC Active Travel report 23July2019 1487.