The report, Projections of road casualties in Great Britain to 2030, written by C. G. B. (Kit) Mitchell and R. E. Allsop and published by PACTS is now available here. The report analyses road casualty trends and has been supported by contributions from the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) and the GEM Motoring Assist Road Safety Charity.
Additional report data and results can be accessed below:
Annex A: Data and Detailed Results
Graphs: Casualty forecast by age group Casualties by age in detail Casualty forecast by road user
Shadow Road Safety Minister Richard Burden said: “This report should be a wake up call for the Government on road safety. Ministers axed Labour’s ambitious targets to cut the number of deaths and serious injuries on our roads. Now we know that a third of a million people will be killed or seriously injured between now and 2030 if the Government continues on their current course. It’s unacceptable. We need a new vision for road safety, which will build on international best practice and ensure our streets are safe, healthy and sustainable places to be. This report shows us what the cost of complacency will be.”