PACTS coordinated a response from 16 organisations:
Association of Industrial Road Safety Officers, Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation, European Transport Safety Council, Greensafe Foundation, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Institute of Highway Engineers, Institute of Road Safety Officers, Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety, RAC Foundation, Road Safety Analysis, RoadSafety GB, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, Thatcham – the Motor Insurance Repair Research Centre, TMS Consultancy, TRL (Transport Research Laboratory), Transport Safety Research Centre, Loughborough University.
Taken together, these organisations represent the key deliverers of road safety at national and local level, the professional bodies representing highway engineers and planners and representatives from the transport research sector. We chose to make a joint submission, in addition to specific points raised in individual representations, because we believe that improvement in road safety is a collective responsibility, the achievement of which is attained most successfully through joint partnership working. The importance of the partnership approach has been acknowledged in a report from the Department entitled Delivery of Local Road Safety, Road Safety Research Report 124, published in September 2011.
The submission is available at the link below.
Download the consultation documentDownload the response