Economic conditions in the UK have altered significantly sinceSir Rod Eddington published the EddingtonTransport Study in December 2006. However, Sir Rod’s focus was based on thechanging dynamic of the British economy as a result of increasingspecialisation in services and high-value manufacturing, and his advice togovernment therefore continues to hold relevance. Central to recommendationsmade in the study is that in order to achieve the greatest value in transportspending, focus should not be placed on adding to the system but rather onmaximising the efficacy of the assets already available. It is therefore vitalthat government makes decisions to enhance the productivity of the mostinefficient elements of the network. An important obstacle to economic growth,when considering the British transport system, is congestion which costs theeconomy in the region of £22 billion per year, at least a quarter of which isassociated with road accidents. Ensuring that congestion is relieved should bea central priority to government; the argument to improve road safety is therefore not simply ethically, socially and emotionallydriven but also an economically sound policy area that will deliver real costsavings.