Gwyn Prosser
That this House is concerned about the disproportionate risk of deaths of cyclists that involve heavy goods vehicles (HGVs), in particular that seven out of the 12 cyclists’ deaths in London, all but one of them women, this year involved lorries; recognises the value in increasing levels of cycling to improve public health and reduce the impact on the natural and urban environment; notes that HGVs account for 45 per cent. of all London cyclists’ deaths, and one in five of cyclists’ deaths in the UK, yet represent only five per cent. of road traffic; supports the provision of cycle training to give adults and children the skills to deal with traffic; believes that more action is required to mitigate the threat posed by lorries; further recognises the need to equip all lorries with side-sensors, in-cab supervision systems, class VI safety mirrors and audible warnings; further recognises that all drivers receive a cycle awareness training course as part of the new Certificate of Professional Competence; and recommends the imposition of conditions of access to city centres for HGVs.
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